Dr. Wayne Pickering, The Mango Man, says: "Eat more, weigh less in 27 days … guaranteed!"

Posts tagged ‘anxiety’

Beat Your Stress

Here’s a question that you might never have considered before, and discovering what your personal answer is might surprise you: How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? We will get into just that with our FREE 8-Week Audio MINI Course www.BeatingBurnoutBlues.com. Included in this free course are audio tracks related to de-stressing and optimizing your health and nutrition, recipes and articles.

Dr. Wayne provides some $223.00 worth of downloadable goods to beat stress with fitness and food absolutely free with no strings attached. Turn your speakers on and get ready to learn and be transformed!

This is The Mango Man’s gift to you, and we believe it will find you feeling terrific.

Here’s a handclasp over the miles as you continue to strive to make health your first concern and not your last resort. Remember, rewards ALWAYS COME. Sometimes they’re a little late and sometimes they’re early but rest assured that they ALWAYS COME and the best part of it is they’re ALWAYS ON TIME! … Praise God!

Check out a few more links for Dr. Wayne ‘The Mango Man’ Pickering, N.D., Sc.M., “The Ambassador for Health” listed below. Dr. Wayne is a Nutritional Performance Coach, Disease Prevention Specialist, award-winning triathlete and double nominee for The Healthy American Fitness Leader Award.

His main Web site: http://www.mangoman.com

Beating Burnout Special (again a great deal — more than $1,000-worth of 16 different programs and nine tools, including a personal, one-hour 1-on-1 counseling session with Dr. Wayne, for less than $200)

Defeating Bad Eating (eat more, weigh less, sleep better, be energized, improve your sex life and feel terrific in 27 days, GUARANTEED!)